Are you a parent, sibling or friend managing a
loved one’s addiction or mental health crisis?




You have arrived at the right place and we encourage you to join our Be There Person program. We have been in your shoes and we understand. We know that you may have doubts on how to approach your loved one or friend, or you have been so focused on helping your loved one, that your own life may have begun to unravel. Are you experiencing:

  • Loss of Sleep
  • Constant worry
  • Financial issues
  • Lost or damaged relationships
  • Feeling out of control or in a constant state of chaos
  • Self blame
  • Disrupted family time
  • Isolation
  • Keeping secrets or putting on a front
  • Anger/Sadness/desperation/fear/

With this understanding, we are here to help you navigate the deep challenges associated with managing a loved one’s addiction or mental health crisis. Arc will support you to find the strength and courage to take care of yourselves as well as your loved ones. With expertise and compassion, we will support you in your journey, connecting you with resources that will offer guidance and hope.

With this in mind, Arc has developed the Be There Person Program. This program pairs caregivers looking for support with a Be There Person. Our Be There Person Program is like a warm embrace and will allow you to connect with someone who understands what you are going through.

Who We Are

Since 1991, Lubavitch of Bucks County has been serving the material and spiritual needs of our county, building community and providing guidance and support to individuals and families, including those struggling with mental health and addiction. The founding of Arc formalizes our efforts to help stem the tide of drug addiction and address the mental health needs of the Bucks County community and beyond.